A New Non-Invasive Marker for Endometriosis?
The reactivity of serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) with fucose-specific lectins AAL, LCA, and LTA could be a useful diagnostic biomarker for endometriosis, according to a new study published in the Journal of Inflammation Research. It could also be a clinical…
Key Points Lay SummaryIndocyanin Green dye for recognition of occult endometriotic lesions
The surgery for endometriosis is challenging and the resection of all lesions is not accurately related to not catching all lesions under white light (WL) conventional laparoscopy. In the study conducted by Luigi Carlo Turco et al., in a tertiary…
Key Points Lay SummaryUreteral endometriosis and its management
Urinary tract endometriosis prevalence is hard to determine since almost half of the women with this condition appear asymptomatic. The most common form is bladder endometriosis followed by ureteral endometriosis which is seen more rarely. Ureteral endometriosis is usually located…
Key Points Lay SummaryOptimal management of infertility in endometriosis patients
Pelvic pain and infertility are the main symptoms of endometriosis patients. Although the pathophysiological mechanism for infertility is not clearly understood, there are several theories explaining decreased fertility potential in women with endometriosis. Ata and Telek, from Koc and Istanbul Universities…
Key Points Lay SummaryNon-assisted reproductive technology treatment: Is it effective in infertile patients with advanced endometriosis?
The marriage and childbearing ages delay due to the life-style changes in developed countries. As a result, advanced age becomes a major concern in infertility treatments which consist of non-ART and ART modalities. Non-ART treatments include mild ovarian stimulation together…
Key Points Lay Summary